Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Communication Disorder

This problem is much missed and misunderstood. It is the central tenet of Autism and Asperger's syndrome. Much over diagnosing of these conditions misdiagnoses Communication Disorder without autistic features but many of these diagnoses are false because there is no communication disorder. Sadly many children/adults do not have proper speech therapy and social skills training because people do not understand the Communication problems.
There are four basic components to Communication disorder-
1. Receptive. This means that the person can hear but does not understand spoken and non-verbal language. They are often described as selectively deaf.
2. Expressive. Difficulties saying or the non-verbal component of language causes frustration. This disorder is often seen as aggressive behaviour when the frustration becomes overwhelming
3 Pragmatic. The nuances of communication with grammar, full stops, emphases, rules of turn taking and flow of language are affected. At the severe end of the scale speech is robotic with little eye regard and lack of associated movements.
4 Narrative. This is the lack of understanding context and the whole aspect of communication. It means not understanding that people cannot read your mind and you have to introduce a topic, build a story and have an ending.
Most sufferers have problems in all four areas.
One can see why these problems cause learning difficulties. They also cause social skills problems.
The diagnosis and treatment is for the speech pathologist but many children see the child psychiatrist due to associated learning and behaviour problems or concern about the autistic spectrum of illness.
There is an overwhelming number of boys rather than girls who have this disorder so probably genetic rather than birth trauma (or lack of oxygen) that these 'soft brain' signs used to be the problem. There is an increased risk however in those babies who suffer lack of oxygen, breathing difficulties which means the premature baby. These babies have difficulty sucking, the same nerves that are needed for speech.
There is an acquired form related to chronic middle ear infections and glue ear. It is thought that the loss of effective hearing in the early developmental stages of communication can mean that that part of the brain lacks stimulation to develop normally.
Help is important. These children are picked on by other kids who recognise their problems as 'nerdy'and self esteem becomes a major problem. They are often in trouble for fighting back and do not cope with school work as well as they could.

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