Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Children in detention centres

Who would have thought that such a modern, informed caring multicultural country as Australia would be written into the history books for placing children in prison. One can follow the logic to stop people dying at sea in leaky boats, but I cannot see that a child is a potential risk to our society.
The RANZCP issued a media statement yesterday
which follows its 2012 position statement and its 9 page report to the investigation of children in detention.
It must be common sense surely to know that locking up children for long periods, sometimes indefinately, will cause harm in their developing minds. 30% incidence of psychiatric disorders has been quoted. Some of the reactions by children has been self harm and suicide attempts it seems. I suspect that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
It would seem to me that Australians uphold the concept of land of the free, a free childhood. Australian children are known to have a wonderful experience in Australia, outdoors, sports, beaches and political democracy. There is no war on our soil thank goodness.
We have child protection laws and agencies and NGOs that support children whose parents are ill, mentally ill, suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. We have supports in place for a range of mental illnesses for children. Thank goodness we do not have 30% incidence of mental illness in this country.
Thank goodness the children are now being placed in our community. Please lend them a hand, welcome them to Australia and look after them as they have suffered enough trauma in their tender lives.

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