Wednesday, 23 July 2014


How sad.
Not since 9/11 have we lost so many and had such 24/7 news-casting. I extend my heartfelt sorrow and support for the victims and their families.
We learned however after 9/11 that the news addiction and continual scenes of death and trauma were counterproductive. Children were traumatised by this news addiction and people felt unsafe and in imminent danger.
We learned that turning off the television, news, computer news, social media about the event was important to restore our lives to normal, support our families with normal resiliency and move beyond the tragedy. Isolating ourselves in news and computers means that we do not have the normal emotional support. So, not to downplay the events, can I suggest that we celebrate life, enjoy the freedom we have and share love with our family and friends. These are our strengths. Turn off the news. Refuse to look at the increasingly horrific pictures and send a message back to the newsmen and women that we want balanced news and not sensationalism.