I am concerned about the doctors in Queensland. They work hard with the aim to help everyone in need. They are now stressed and I feel for their families as well. Now they are seeking a mass resignation. They have been told they will be replaced. This implies that they do not count as people, Queenslanders, voters. They are people with families, mortgages, who once had a bright future.
Now the employer, the government, is sueing their unions to enforce unfair contracts.
Luckily the polling says that Queenslanders support their doctors- for which they are grateful. Queenslanders have seen enough government action/inaction over the years to know who has their best interest at heart. it is a shame that most of us are too complacent to act on the government that we employ to run our State.
I suspect that the government, State and Federal will be happy to have a medical system without doctors. That will save a lot of money. That will push people towards the private system. Unfortunately that will also mean that the poor will suffer and die without health care. It also means that people will be more unwell when they seek help, no more preventative strategies.
Seriously re-consider medicine as your career pathway. There is little future in it.
Now the employer, the government, is sueing their unions to enforce unfair contracts.
Luckily the polling says that Queenslanders support their doctors- for which they are grateful. Queenslanders have seen enough government action/inaction over the years to know who has their best interest at heart. it is a shame that most of us are too complacent to act on the government that we employ to run our State.
I suspect that the government, State and Federal will be happy to have a medical system without doctors. That will save a lot of money. That will push people towards the private system. Unfortunately that will also mean that the poor will suffer and die without health care. It also means that people will be more unwell when they seek help, no more preventative strategies.
Seriously re-consider medicine as your career pathway. There is little future in it.